Thursday, March 31, 2022

Trixie is on the adoption list

 And somebody called about her, already. She has to be vaccinated and her new owners have to be warned about her potential tooth problems because her salivary glands remain swollen. So if you want her, you'd better get in quick.


And Ruby was returned. Sounds like she got carried away and the new owners overreacted. She looks a bit shell shocked to be back with us.
Ruby, before adoption
Sue brought in some "Cat Soothing Music". Mostly cellos and bird twitters. I don't think it worked on Tommy very well. But that might have been the chicken effect.

Sue also did a big clear out of the fluffy beds that were piled up, tetteringly, on top of the laundry shelves. Nobody has washing machines big enough for them to fit into to be washed. The laundromat that Rosanna took them to was going to charge $15 to wash each one! They have all gone either to the sale shelves or to vollies' cats or the dump. Hurrah!

Po had a health check and her mouth is in tip top order. . . . . makes a nice change.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Sandy's bad day

 She came early. In time to give a cat a cuddle. I had just put Tommy back into his and Mia's stand alone. Tim mentioned yesterday that he feeds Mia inside with her antibiotic laced food and Tommy on the floor outside otherwise Tommy will eat Mia's flu drugs before she has a chance. (She is a delicate little thing and he is a chunky, muscular boy). Sandy enjoyed the weight of him in her arms so much that she forgot to close the cage door. Who'd have thought that Mia would escape! 

Luckily she was just under the adjacent trolley. But, because of our inept capture techniques, she decided to scale the wall and hide on top of the blue condos. So we had to move every carry cage down to the floor while she retreated into the far corner. There we hemmed her in with cloth carry cages one of which was her escape route. I couldn't quite reach her to guide her into it. Luckily Sandy has a couple of extra inches and Mia was safely in the carrier.  In the meantime, Tommy was complaining loudly that he was inside the stand alone while Mia was out!

Then we put all the carriers back.

Later when all the cleaning was done, Sandy noticed that there was some loose litter beside their tray, went to tidy it up and Tommy jumped out. She reached over to grab him and lost her footing to end up on the floor. Tommy was out in Boarding inspecting the laundry shelves. He was easier to pick up than Sandy was!

Tonight when I fed him outside and Mia inside, Tommy decided to go meet Po who is in Peanut's condo. 

He didn't appreciate being picked up and put back in with Mia despite the extra hammock that I installed.

Other new cats are Jackson where Blueberry was. He is a scardey cat. And black.


In Incoming there is Dave, a black kitten, very friendly.


And Mocha, Cocoa, Latte and Bean. . . . don't know who is whom as they are a little hissy.

Mocha, Latte, Bean or Cocoa
The really good news is that Mr Magoo was adopted over the weekend. We have already heard from them:
Day1: Yeah he’s absolutely fine. Like a duck to water. Eating and drinking, doesn’t seem scared/hesitant at all, very confident. Used his litter tray too. We named him Bob (or big Bob)
Let's keep our fingers crossed that he doesn't turn into Big Bop.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Black and White and Tabby all over

 On Wednesday afternoon a woman called at around 3pm to see if Ruby was still available. I said that we closed at four when she said that she would have to come from Watson's Bay to adopt her because she is exactly the cat for her and her husband. She came on Thursday morning to whisk Ruby off to a better life full of luxury. And the woman who came in with her deaf daughter to visit Pepper but fell in love with Blueberry to the extent that she broke into her holiday time to pay for Blueberry, came to pick her up. Blueberry was happy to go to a proper home, again. (They came from a foster home).


Her stand alone will be taken by somebody else, tomorrow. Amelia probably wonders if there will be more food for her in the changeover.

The other Amelia is slowly coming around to like people. . . . especially those bearing treats.


On the other side of the Merchandise shelves in the stand alone are three very scared kittens who are prone to poo when stressed. They soiled their hammock and it had to be thrown away. Better than being put in my washing machine! I hope the Greenies I gave them this afternoon don't have the same effect on their clean hammock.

D kittens squinting because I used the flash

My friend Joe came to visit Tabitha, again. He is sporting a bashed middle finger which hampered the strokes. But he stopped off to give Duke some loving . . . . so now has two cats in love with him.

Duke, everybody's friend
Out the back Princess or Precious is a major purrer. Her purr stops me in my tracks as I walk by. She likes finger strokes through the mesh. Lucy a new downstairs neighbour is still in her litter tray. And the mad girls from Incoming -- Kate, Naomi, Cindy and Helena, one of whom got my artery two weeks ago (it is all cured now and the bruise is almost gone, thankyou) have moved next to Lucy. Back to the Naughty Row!

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Bye bye Peanut

 The person who has waited patiently while Peanut recovered from his bout of flu, etc came in this morning to adopt him before anybody else could greedy him. He was very happy to go. I suspect that he won't have to be confined to "his" room for more than two days.

I was very happy to see Midsummer looking much better this morning than on Friday. Then she was DND ("damn near dead" in the parlance of the hospital where my sister worked in the 1960's). Today she eats Baby Cat happily, especially when sloppied up with cat milk, is clear eyed, uses her litter tray, doesn't pant, hops up to greet anybody who opens her door.. . . . a very resilient kitten.

The rest of Wanda's kitten are a pack of play machines when they are not sleeping.
Wanda's lot
Wanda, herself, is getting to be over kittens. She was offered a vollie's arms to cuddle in today and was a happy cat. Sabrina feels the same way and mostly lies on her tummy to keep the kittens away, and hisses to keep people at bay. It doesn't work for the short haired tuxedo. He sticks by her side most of the time.

Sabrina's lot
There is a new ginger boy, Andy in Incoming to replace Peanut. Let's hope that Andy has an equally happy result.

Luigi (Gigi) and Bambi went next door on Friday because they had mistakenly been fed something with fish in it. They are both allergic to fish. There was  a poo explosion that stuck to long Persian fur and it had to come off. They both got Brazil shaves. It is a bit hard to see while I was bathing his eyes (which are much better).

Kristine who rescued Magic, Archie and co came to visit. She is very pleased at Tabitha's progress. But was surprised that Rosie and Callie didn't seem pleased to see her. I am pleased that they now venture out of their cat carrier to hiss and spit on anybody who ventures into their space.
Rosie and Callie
Thanks for the photos Joy.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Adoption Tails: Pete and Buddy

Pete and Buddy in Dec 2020

1 day: Petey and Buddy are in the ensuite but have access to the bedroom. When their new owner went out today, Buddy went exploring but Petey stayed in the bathroom hiding under the sink. Neither of them have eaten, drunk or toileted yet. I told her that this is not unusual and for a few of our cats it took 3 days before they did either in their new homes. Her new owner will contact Irene if there is any concern.

2 days:  Their owner messaged to say that Petey let her pat his head and when Buddy saw this he ate some treats in front of her and then Petey decided to do the same. 

Pete and Buddy in Dec 2021

1 week: Their owner called Irene to give an update on Petey and Buddy. They are making fantastic progress. Even Petey is now coming out and looking at her without running away from her. She sent a wonderful photo and video. 

Pete and Buddy, 1 week


1 month: Petey and Buddy have settled in incredibly well. They like to look out and ponder life next to the balcony windows and they meow at their owner when she gets home from work. They are still a little cautious but have definitely come out of their shell a lot more than the first week after adoption. It's been a very rewarding journey for their owner and she thinks they are absolutely beautiful.

And today Ziggy got adopted.

Friday, March 18, 2022

No Friday mayhem but there might have been

 There were people all over the cattery this morning. Unfortunately not customers but luckily new volunteers being trained. And committee members coming to confer.

I noticed, from a distance, that Diego's perspex door was open. And quickly moved to close it. Later when I offered him chicken, he had forgiven me. (This photo was not taken with a tele lens).

It should have reminded me to check all condo doors but I got distracted.

All three kittens were back in the Palace yesterday after one was seen trying to break her way into the Palace at dinner time. They didn't manage to shake open their door last night. Today I balanced a large carry cage on top of another outside their upper door. If they shake it, the carrier will fall and, hopefully, frighten them so much that they will not try that again . . . . until Jeff can get the new, secure door catches.

At chicken time, all went well.

Having handed it all out (there is never enough) I went back into the main cattery and Mr Magoo's screen door was wide open. I had given him his chicken through the gap under his perspex door. (Should have checked the other door). All the cattery doors were open as well. We rushed around like the proverbial headless chickens until Tim spotted him under the trolley. Tim encouraged him under Bobby and Mia's stand alone, moved that towards his condo and caught him as he dashed, and lifted him into his condo. Not at drop of blood was spilled. Mr Magoo looked quite chilled by his adventure.

Mr Magoo

Gracie two door across is just worried/confused about being back so didn't notice anything.

And Ziggy, downstairs, is only concerned about getting pats when anybody gives him food. He does like his hiding box.

I have refined my method of shortening our striped aprons. I cut 4 ins off the bottom and detach one side of the bib. I add three button holes and one button on the top of the bib and make a pocket from the bit cut from the hem. My "shortened" aprons have a piece of white, cotton tape somewhere on the bib. They are suitable for shorter people. I will be happy to hear any other suggestions.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Oops, late blog

 Sorry to keep you waiting. I went to a lecture in Chatswood after closing up shop at the cattery today. It was about an ambassador's wife who made the most of being in the Middle East for her inspiration to make amazing quilts.

No adoptions today.
But a woman brought in her daughter to check on Peppa. But she wasn't in the cattery. We thought we had booked her and tabby Amelia in for desex yesterday. But the vet practice disclaimed all knowledge of the booking.  They did agree to keep them for a day and do them today. So Peppa wasn't home when her prospective new owner came to visit. I showed them Blueberry who put on a star turn, cuddled in their arms and purred. So now they can't decide between Peppa and Blueberry.

Blueberry all ready to go

Then a man arrived to meet Tabitha. I know him from at least a dozen years ago when he adopted a cat from us at Peggy Brown's. At Peggy's AWL branch we used to let folk choose kittens before they were ready for adoption. The prospective owners would come by every weekend to play with "their" kitten. It helped the bond to form. The kitten that this man chose unfortunately died while being desexed. It can happen. He was convinced that we had sold "his" kitten to somebody else until I convinced him that it was just an unfortunate death. 

He eventually chose another kitten and has lived happily with her for over a decade. But recently she died and he is ready to choose another cat for him and his mum to love. l think Tabitha will be perfect. He spent lots of time talking to her and patting her. He took lots of photos to show his mum. They will be back. She enjoyed the attention so much that she made a very rare appearance at her window later in the afternoon.


Valentino came in to board for the weekend. He is just as wonderful as ever. 


He settled into the condo next to Libby who was taken home. Her new owner was concerned that she might get confused because they have only had her for a month. She came from Monika's Doggy Rescue. 

I noticed today that Mayka as white socks on her back legs. She is much more relaxed these days.

So there is hope for Bella and Lulu who have come in from a foster home, Dynamo and Rosie and Callie who have moved out of their cat carrier but no further than its roof.
Callie and Rosie


Bella and Lulu

Saturday, March 12, 2022

From black to white

 Yesterday Terry adopted out Smoochie. Hurrah. She will be so much happier in a house. 

Her new owner looks happy too.
Smoochie and her new owner

Tofu was adopted from his foster home. A couple of folk were interested in him.

And today, Tommy and Mia's kittens Bonnie and Lemmy were adopted together.

And best of all, Willow was adopted. I hope her new people are very patient.


Friday, March 11, 2022

Foster Tail: Felix

 Irene and Peter took Felix to the vet on Tuesday and he had ear infections in both ears and needed 9 teeth out. His gums are so bad that the vet had trouble closing the wound of the canine that needed to come out.

 Poor baby. But today he seems lively, and has for the very first time shown interest in exploring outside his 4 walls and was super cuddly overall. 

 He is such a beautiful boy. Irene hopes SAFE can find a home for him as he will make someone a lovely companion. 


Thursday, March 10, 2022

Mahem and Murder

 I arrived in the middle of morning cleaning. There were people everywhere. Rosanna was training a group of new vollies. Robyn is back from her skiing in Canada. Geoff was discussing jobs that need to be done with Tim.

One job is to fix the Palace Door. Those kittens can shake the door open at night. Last night they had a poo party in front of Max in the Play Place. No wonder he wouldn't come down from the highest shelf to have lunch with me. Tim thought one of the Palace crew had escaped and was lurking somewhere behind the laundry shelves. . . . unless it had squeezed through a partly open window. But when it came time for me to hand out the Friday chicken, there were three interested faces in their cat carrier. They must have staggered home to the Palace after their night on the town.

The naughty row loved their helpings although Rufus was more interested in being patted than the chicken. And now that Duke is next door to him we really can't call it "naughty row" any more. Even Amy came out and blinked for chicken.

Amelia hissed then smiled

                                    Ziggy couldn't decide between a stroke or the chicken 

Tabitha just wanted strokes

Peanut is always good for cuddles

Rosanna had brought in some chicken necks that I distributed to the kittens earlier. Sasha's lot loved theirs.

Sasha plus

When I got to the four kittens below Zoe, I noticed that their bedding needed to be changed. I added some chicken to distract them. Pulled the dirty towel out which caused them to do a washing machine impression in their outer condo. Two of them were spun into the bed section and out the door. I grabbed one. The other took off out the door with Tim close behind it. 

The one I grabbed put up a good fight but I held on until I could put it back with its siblings. On the way, a claw or tooth snagged a small artery and blood spurted out of my hand. I applied pressure while Tim caught the runaway who had exhausted itself by running to the other end of the corridor and back to Unit 20. A woman came up in the lift just as it turned to do another lap and Tim grabbed the kitten. The woman, when she saw me covered in blood must have thought that murder had been done. Katie thought that cleaning up after a murder might have been easier.

So I spoiled their plans to get off early while I fed the cats their dinner. I went to the doctor to get a decent pressure bandage and a tetanus injection. By the way, if you have some spare absorbent pads, elastoplast, pressure bandages, etc our First Aid Kit needs them.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Adoption tails: a mixed bunch

 Irene forwarded me photos that new owners had sent her. I just have to share.

Cookie, 835 adopted Feb 1, 22
1 week: Cookie, renamed Chloe, has settled in beautifully. She seems to be relaxed, watching the world from behind the fly screens and has many spots to do so. She is not very keen on playing. Her owner says she answers to her name with a ‘Mau'
1 month: Chloe is very settled, loves her food, loves playing with the ping pong ball and is just a lovely girl.


Storm  767 adopted Feb 5, 22
1 day: Storm’s new owner called to say that Storm seems very relaxed and is settling in. She ate food yesterday but not today and has not been to the toilet today. The owner was also worried that she isn't drinking enough water. Sue told her that it might take a few days for Storm to settle in and have regular habits and to call us back if she had any more questions/concerns.
Storm spent most of Saturday night and Sunday morning hiding in a drawer, then she finally ventured out last night and started walking around the room while her new owners were in there! She ate well yesterday afternoon and night and also went to the toilet and drank quite a bit of water."
1 month: Storm is right at home and well settled. 


Goldie 725 adopted Feb 24, 22
1 day: Goldie had flu symptoms after being taken home. His new owner collected 7 days worth of Doxycyline from Tim on 27/7. On 28/8 Irene spoke to his new owner and he reports that Goldie has responded really well to the meds and is still eating and toileting etc. He has even had a few cuddles with the new owners.
1 week: Goldie is doing great. Happy cat, happy adopters 

Goldie from up and down
Sunny adopted Feb 20, 22
1 day: Sunny is a sweetheart. Her new owner tried to keep her in a separate room but she was keen to get out and have more company. They sent photos and a video. She is a complete purr machine.
1 week: Sunny is settling in super well. She is just an easy kitten and the new owners love her to bits.
