Friday, May 31, 2024

Two is better than one

 On Wednesday, Irene advised me not to adopt a fostered kitten Mark to a man if he showed up because the fosterer didn't think he would be a good parent for Mark. Luckily he didn't show up. But today a nice woman and her daughter (who works with a vet) turned up to adopt Mark. On the assumption that they were quite different people I went ahead because they looked as though they would be grand owners. Later Irene turned up and agreed with my judgment. 

So Mark is off the "for adoption" list. But Florence was still there. Strange. The enclosure was empty on Wednesday. This afternoon a woman who had visited on Sunday and liked Florence returned to adopt her. "Sorry" says I "she's gone." So we looked at other black and white cats and kittens. Earlier I had let out Cooper for a wander. He ended up on the poof under the computer. I had just put him back (to have some chicken) before she arrived. So I got him out and he settled happily on her knee. Trouble is that her son wants a kitten. Sooty might suit he has got so big. Either way, she spent lots of time with a cat on her lap to test whether or not she is allergic to cats (still). And Tim removed Florence from the for adoption list.

Sooty's new neighbours are Derek and Hansel. They intertwine.

Hansel and Derek
Tonight Harley and Quin will have a night out in the Top Cat. Jake and Josh will be so jealous.

Jake the white with tabby, Josh the champagne tabby

Harley or Quin

While Lily and Patch look on.

Lily and Patch
I think we should have a two for one special in June and July.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Lost cat found

 Lola seems to have accepted her new, smaller stand alone. She does spend all of her time in Opies room except for a foray into her standalone if her breakfast is not delivered to her there. So her erstwhile larger stand alone is now occupied by Rubia and Ryan. Ryan has been desexed and is ready to go. Rubia needs a vet check etc. They only had one hammock and Ryan slept in it all day with Rubia on a hard shelf. I took pity on her and installed a second hammock. Which he promptly claimed.

Ryan and Rubia
I also changed Mia's narrow hammock for a wider one. I've never seen her using the narrow one. But soon after I installed the wider one. . . . . sorry about the silly camera which focuses on the foreground, but you get the idea.
There were scads of volunteers so the work got done early and every cat that wanted a cuddle got one. Yin and Yan actually ate their breakfast so I spent time with them and was rewarded with purrs and nudges for more. They are sweet cats.

Helen came to help this afternoon. She wanted Meatball to have time out. And he had a fabulous time chasing a ping pong ball. . . . and careening into bits of furniture. The expression on his face was just like that on the sticker cat on Tim's filing cabinet.


We let Cooper out for a wander early in the afternoon. He went around introducing himself gently to the other cats and settled on the odd person's lap. He spent lots of time on the shelf on the back wall of Welfare communing with Raya (or is it Raven). Everything went well. Until it came to feeding time and he wasn't in his stand alone (Charlie had been there earlier). After a search I found him on the poof under the front desk. Sensible cat.


Friday, May 24, 2024


 You will have noticed that there are more cats on the for Adoption web page. Irene came in today and helped Tim make some decisions. 

Consequently, Josh and Jake have left Josie on Better Row and moved into Bonny's condo. They trashed it within 5 minutes. So Josie must have been exerting some discipline on them when they shared a condo. With any luck, Terry will do his magic tomorrow and they will be gone.

There were also cats moved to foster homes. The three kittens who came in on Wednesday have gone to another foster home. Elsa has gone to a foster home (good luck with that wild child!) As has Tiger and the two little tabbies from Incoming.

Now in a foster home
Plus, this afternoon Annabelle was adopted by a vollie.

And Fleur was adopted by a woman who adopted another of our kittens a few months ago. He is pining for a playmate so Fleur is a lucky kitten. Florence and Freya were in a mourning ball after she left.

I have solved the problem of Barry eating Blaze's food. Put down their dishes in separate corners of their stand alone. When Barry has gobbled most of his meal, he rushes over to gobble Blaze's. Pick him up and put him back in front of his dish. Repeat this procedure until Blaze has finished most of his meal. Then when Barry rushes over, move his dish to the spot where Blaze's was and vice versa. And move Blaze to the other side of the condo in front of his dish. Barry will settle down and demolish the final few scraps that he left in his dish. I don't suppose that this will work for long. But it might work for long enough for Blaze to put on a bit of weight.

Too busy to take any photos this afternoon. I even forgot to eat my lunch. Some photos from Wednesday.

Cooper got a little walk this afternoon

One of the Wednesday vollies wants Bubbles. Today I learned that one of the Friday vollies wants her too.


Sebastian and Pebbles are on the for adoption list. We must get them out of the corner.

Pebbles and Sebastian in Incoming

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Four flu and a foot

 Four vollies cancelled coming because they had the flu. (Thank you for staying home). And one, Catsie, has been told rest her injected foot for four days. Her cat needed her at home to keep warm too. And we did very well with the reduced number of vollies who did not trip over each other but did the work in quick time (to keep warm).

It was cold today. I didn't realise that I had not changed out of my Ugh boots this morning and wore them (gladly) all day. Sue was so cold she had to borrow my* jumper. Prue and Trude had the right idea.

Prue and Trude
We have a new cat. . . Harry who was handed in to a vet who on discovering that he was desexed, promptly did his dental work. He is around 11 years old, very thin and EXTREMELY friendly. No good trying to take a photo of him by yourself. One person needs to make a lap and the other to take a photo. He is a bit of a skeleton at the moment but will fatten up in no time.
One person photo of Harry
There are three kittens who have been in the care of nice folk and are going to a foster home. . . soonish.

Sue is about to go off OS but needs photos of cats. So, in default of Joy who is already overseas, I took photos until my battery ran out.

New kittens in Incoming. Don't know where they came from. No names yet.

Twinkle has been with us for a week or so and is settling down.


As is Angie.



* my jumper because I spun the fibre, dyed the yarn, designed the jumper and knitted it.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Ricki gone

 Those folk did come first thing on Thursday to adopt Ricki. I did wonder because she was still on the for adoption list on Friday morning. The system is not perfect (which matches some of the vollies!) And Jerry has an adopter panting for him. He will be desexed next Tuesday. He was in the Play Place when I arrived this afternoon and wasn't very happy with the service there.


While Robyn and I sat to tell PC what a handsome boy he is

PC on "his" blanket on the chair that he has scratched and made dirty

since going to the vet and getting a good wash (not to mention an abscessed tooth removed and treatment for his yeast infection), both Yin and Yang got out of their beds, stretched, had a poo (Yin), ate a mouthful and went back to bed. This is frenetic compared to their usual level of activity. They do like pats while in bed.
The cloth that I dropped down between them and Prue and Trude seems to be working. But I think P & T will breach the barrier unless Geoff can install something less pullable.

"Wasn't me" says Prue about the pulled through cloth

Robyn caught Riley saying "Keeping you up?" to Miz. Or is she saying "I'll bite you with my tooth"

Riley and Miz

They are seeking pats now having got over their sulks at being condemned to a Safe Haven.

And Florence and Fleur were desexed. They will probably be adopted by next week. Too cute.

The proper way to wear an Elizabethan collar as shown by Florence

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 Again, thank you Tuesday for schlepping out all the bags. But Willoughby council only emptied one of our trash bins! The other is full already. I put the empty one in the garage and left the full one where it was put along the pathway down the hill. Who put it there? It was with all the rest on the gutter when I arrived. The mysteries of trash collection!

Coco, our frequent boarder was in the play place when I arrived. She wasn't happy. Eventually I thought that she might be happier back in a condo where she is usually happy. I talked her out of the multi-storey climby thing to somewhere I could pick her up. I think she couldn't figure out how to get out if where she was. The story is that her owner, a SAFE member, had a heart attack on Saturday and Coco was to be with us indefinitely. Later in the day, we had a call from the owner to say that she would pick Coco up this afternoon. She duly arrived and Coco was overjoyed to see her. I held her carry case up to the condo and Coco walked straight into it. Easiest cat to crate in existence! 

Lola kept trying to get into Incoming. Eventually Sue gave her a new bed on the table in Opies Room and she was a happy cat snoozing the afternoon away.

Josie's kittens have names

Josh, no longer holding up a sore paw
Several calls came in about Ricki. All from the family of the neighbour of her foster carer. They wanted to reserve her. But we don't do that. It is "first in, first served" at Safe. But by the time I had heard the sad story of the neighbour's lovely cat having died yesterday, and how much they loved Ricki, and that they really could not get to us this afternoon, and that they will be at Safe at 10am tomorrow. . . . I said that if any other customers came this afternoon, I wouldn't show them Ricki. Luckily, no customers came.

Sue had me writing bios of the cats who are not available for adoption that she can use when she needs instant bios. It is not easy to do. For example what do you say about Willow except that she has hidden for 4 months and seems to be coming out of her shell now.

Or about Harley and Quinn who have only been with us for a week and in that week have changed from scardey cats into coy young girls who long to flirt with you.
Harley and Quinn (or vice versa)
Or about Stardust who was one of three crazy cats in the Palace who is now a pussy cat as a single.

Friday, May 10, 2024

More movements

 Gracie has finally moved out of Isolation. Her kittens were all adopted months ago. Now she is on Better Row and looks more comfortable already.

The morning team was super efficient this morning and when I arrived several were wandering around asking for things to do. Luckily, there are always garbage bags to be organised. And kittens to be cuddled. Sineada came in the afternoon to learn how to be assistant day manager. She got to hand out the chicken which was her reward after she tidied up the bowl shelf (the bane of my afternoons!)

I thought to put Bonnie and Ricky into the play place which is empty. Tim said "make sure you can pick him up before you take him there". No way was he going to be picked up. Bonnie is perfectly happy to be given a cuddle though. So Sineada and I put up the top cat for them and they had a lovely time. Big Kahuna enjoyed watching their antics. All will sleep well tonight. So will Ricki who got to explore the play place.

Bonnie and Ricky below
Below Billy are Quinn and Harley. Don't know where they came from. Both are torties. I thought Quinn was a boy's name.

Harley and Quinn

Dorian and Sterling were in the Palace by themselves. Geoff said that he was happy to be able to feed them without being spat at by Starlight who was at the vet. I set up the condo above Ashley (their sister) for Starlight because he might stop his spitting if the competition of two brothers is removed.

Dorian and Sterling below
Lola gave me "the look" as I arrived. I was carrying a litter tray of grass pots from Joan. I gave her a pot.
Lola's new possie
She rewarded me by licking the chicken bowl very, very clean.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Late Wednesday

 I was late to Safe Haven today because of a DH doc appt. And am late to blog tonight because of a Guild committee meeting. The latter had cats wandering around the Zoom meeting. The former just had nasty needles.

In the meantime, there have been movements out of incoming into the Welfare area and into Incoming from goodness knows where.





They don't look very happy. But remember how Bassuria and Julie used to be so frightened and starving. This afternoon was the first time I saw them cuddled up together in the open.

Bassuria and Julia
And out the back, under Josie, is a returned cat. Sparkle/Sparky was returned because he attacked the neighbour when cornered (as you would) and bit his owner. We will find  him a better person next time.

He is below Josie plus two. One of her two went to be desexed today. The other stayed at home and did something to his foot/leg. He was very pathetic (and cute) this afternoon holding up his right paw. (It didn't stop him jumping up to share his mum's afternoon tea!)

Sore paw
The highlight of the afternoon was a visit by Barb Webster who got to cuddle Freya's kittens who are where Cindy and co were.