Friday, May 27, 2022

Adoption Tails: Olivia . . . a tail from the past

 Olivia (adopted 19 April, 2020)

[Her adopters want to share an update on Olivia.]

Olivia at Safe Haven
We (my partner and I) adopted Olivia over 2 years ago just at the beginning of Covid in April 2020. We thought that since we would be home a lot, it would be the perfect time to finally adopt a cat. Something we had talked about for a long time.

Olivia was extremely shy and I admit, I had doubts as to whether we were the right people and the right environment for her. But I worried she would never be adopted out or would be at the cattery for many more months. I believe she had been there 9 months already? [Ed: since November 2019] I didn't want to give up on her.

She was very scared but such a sweet and gentle nature. She has not once has she scratched, hissed or bitten.

So it took some time and a lot of coaxing with food to build her confidence. She tends to take her time and then suddenly, take a huge leap forward.

She now knows her home, her safe hiding spots and spends her nights exploring the house. She has become very vocal and if we get home late, she let's us know, she is highly unimpressed.

She has learned how to play and climb and explore. Whilst still a shy cat and at times lacking in confidence, we have developed a deep bond. She is so affectionate and loves cuddles A LOT. It is a standard and non negotiable requirement to snuggle and cuddle each morning and night (minimum), apparently. 

We are so grateful to have her in our lives and can't wait to see her grow in confidence more and more over the years.

I know it was so long ago that we adopted her  but I hoped it would be nice to be reminded how much of a difference everyone at Safe makes. I have attached some pictures. The pictures show a big change in her, but nothing compared to in person of course.

Max is back

 I misnamed the escapee cat on Wednesday. It was Hana not Luna. I have corrected the blog. She has settled back into her condo. She must have told Lucy next door all about it last night because when I arrived around noon, all we could see of Lucy was her feet and her dream twitchy tail. She woke up in time for chicken.

Lucy's feet
But Max is back. Things seemed to be going well. He was getting on well with his new man . . . . accepting pats and laps and exploring the apartment. Then Max bit the man. The man had to go to hospital to have intravenous antibiotics. Max came back to us. He doesn't seem too upset. He was keen for chicken and enjoyed my company while I ate my lunch sitting on the white stool in front of his condo.
Max watching me
I spent the time trying to see differences between Princess and Precious. They both have short white front socks, long back socks, white bibs and tummies. The only difference I could pick was that one, on her left front paw has a black little toe and the other has all white toes. One black toe is Precious from her microchip. She is the shy one. Princess has all white toes and it more confident. . . . if anybody asks!

There is no difference between Bear and Ebby. Their mum, Ruby was adopted this afternoon by a woman who spent her time recovering from elbow surgery by scanning the "cats available" websites. Her 10th cat got tick bitten. She was delighted to find us, and came to choose between Ruby and Sootie. Not a hard choice if you want a lap cat.

And Katie found a home for Archie. He went home with the woman who came on Thursday to buy Mayka. They did all the paperwork and had the long discussion about Mayka being a shy cat and possibly never a lap cat. And the lady was keen. But when it came time to put Mayka into a carry cage, the cat wasn't having a bar of it. The lady decided that Mayka was not for her after all! She will be so happy with Archie.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Close shave

 Hana got out of her condo yesterday evening and spent the night "on the town". There was food scattered all along Naughty Row. It gives me a shock when I arrive to a condo with both its doors opened. But I ignored them and got on with my routine of taking out the garbage bags before the garbos arrived (24 of them) and feeding the starving hordes. I was careful to keep the doors closed to out the back so was confident that she "must be here somewhere". I looked high first. No signs (and there is plenty of dust for her pawprints). Last place I looked was under the laundry shelves. Under the bottom bath mats shelf there was something fluffy. When I touched it, a growl came from the shelf. Found! I put her carrier in front of the shelf, covered and cozy and went to the next room for a while. 

Fifteen minutes later, she had moved into the carrier and got taken back to her condo. She wasn't very happy to be home.


The man who "rescued" Max and Gus from his work place rang to ask how they are getting along. He rang just when Sandy was offering them some chicken. I took some photos to send to him. I have asked him who is whom.

Max and Gus

We have another grey and white surrendered cat like Suzie who is settling down well. 

The new one is Fern. She is very friendly but horrified and shocked at not being where she belongs.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Persians in Paradise

 Yesterday after blogging I checked the Safe calendar to see if anything happened. And, lo and behold, Luigi and Bambi were adopted. A very nice family came. They were looking good. Their medical conditions were explained. The nice family can afford their care although they haven't ever owned Persians perhaps they don't quite realise the degree of daily care involved. But, Luigi and Bambi are used to devoted servants and will reward all attention with loving purrs.

Bambi and Luigi

Then, somebody else came and chose Nipper. He will be so happy to be out and about.

Talking of which, Tim has arrived a couple of mornings to find Diego sharing Nada's condo. There is a connecting flap that he has figured out how to navigate. They sit, on different levels, quietly waiting for their breakfast. (Goodness knows what they get up to overnight!)

To celebrate Tim's week off next week, it has been decided to make lots of cats and kittens available this weekend. I spent some time trying to get photos of the availables. Sootie did not cooperate. Many of the kittens were so squiggly they had to be held.



Some, of course, just sat and looked pretty.


Others tried to hide in the undergrowth.
Two coffee shop kittens

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Adoption tails: A happy cat

Trixie (now Luna) at one month is all good. She went to the vet to get her booster and the vet was very happy with her.  Her owner loves having her around as much as she loves being there by the look of these photos

Not to mention that she might be a tad spoiled.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

More Gingers

 Since last Wednesday, Gracie, Dumpling and Matteo have been adopted from Safe Haven and Suga and Hazelnut from foster. To counterbalance that outflow, we have new cats, currently parked in Boarding but soon to be elsewhere. Like Puma who is a young (6-12 month old) ginger whose fur reminds me of a Burmese's fur. But his face is all ginger DSH:


He is a loving armful and had a fine time in the play place.

Next door is Monika who most folk would call a boy because most gingers are boys.


But poor Zoe (not the old one but a new one) in Incoming went to the vet to be checked and came back a Zack and without any teeth. He is on soft food only at the moment. The old Zoe has gone to foster along with Archie and Beckie. I had a frantic phone call at 8:30am from her fosterer to say, on a very bad line, that she had found a paw in her carrier. I called back and learned that it was a claw not a paw so explained that cats shed their claw sheaths regularly. Peach also went to the vet and came back without any teeth. She has retired to her bed box.

Back to the new kids in Boarding. There is Yoko and Linda. Don't know who named them. Or who is who.

Yoko and Linda
And there are two new mums with kittens that Joy didn't get a photo of. Next time.

In the meantime, Cheena and Bubbles are settling down with us.

Cheena and Bubbles
And Wanda's kids are ready to move to the Cat Room and get adopted. . . . but only if those blinky eyes are not flu. . . . ..
Quentin, Bingo, Pickles, Squiggle
(Can we please change Squiggle's name to Squire. Imagine how undignified the cat will be as an adult being called Squiggle!)

Friday, May 13, 2022

Adoption Tails: Tigger

 My afternoon was taken over by a training session about the new computer adoption program that will be installed on May 20. Lots to take in but we have a practice version to play with in the meantime.

So I only had time to quickly give each cat a bit of chicken before it was time to come home. The new cat Suzy is a sweetie . . . . just overwhelmed at being somewhere strange. 

And we are up to 1002 animals taken into Safe. Time for a celebration! And who better to celebrate with than Tigger now called Boston.

 TIgger, adopted April 5, '22

1 day: We decided to call him Boston instead as my son wanted to do so. He has been eating and drinking water well, wee three times that I know so far in the litter but no poo yet since he came here yesterday morning. One concern I have is that I noticed distinctive smell from his mouth when I collected him yesterday. I have already mentioned to Tim, he checked Boston's teeth and gums, noticed it is slightly red. He suggested me to get a product called Oxynfresh to add in the water to prevent further infection which I have ordered already. I worry if he is in pain and can't chew dry food as I didn't hear any biting sound when he ate last night. I tried slightly larger dry food this morning I heard he bites so it made me feel better. Boston's eyes are slightly watery and heard sneeze a couple of times..

Luna (resident cat) has been very curious. 

1 week: Boston has been great and already interacting with Luna in the same room without fighting at all, they play together and sniff each other for greetings. I hesitated but trusted my guts that they will be fine after I put Boston in the carrier cage and brought him out to show Luna many times a day before let him out. Boston started meowing lots at the door and wanted to get out as well. Boston acts like he has been here for long time already relaxing on the sofa and everywhere.
Boston likes the water with Oxyfresh, I think it is getting better slowly. Smell slightly changed from infection smell to more cat food smell.

1 month: Boston has been very well and settled down with Luna. He has been eating well also. His breath smells still though but maybe I worry too much. I opened an Instagram account for Boston and Luna (@lunandboston)

Boston and Luna

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Adoption Tails: Patches, Vinny and Andy

Andy Adopted April 9, 22 

1 day: He's going well. He has eaten and used his litter box. He's come out a couple of times for pats but has mostly stayed hidden under a cupboard. He escaped from the laundry and decided to make his new owner's office his room. 

1 week: He has explored around the house and is happy. 1 month: Andy has fully settled in. He moves around the whole house confidently, and is playing and eating normally. 
Andy at play
1 month: No message sent but the photo says it all.

Andy at work
Vinny, Adopted April 5, 22 

1 day: Vinny is doing quite well. He is eating, drinking and using the litter. Starting to explore out of his safe room a bit and is curious about our dog. Kept his name Vinny.

1 week: He is doing well!!! He is exploring the upstairs area and going on the balcony. He is slowly coming downstairs. 

Patches, Adopted April 4, 22 

1 day: Settling down... he has been drinking and eating. I think he is still trying to find his bearings as he hides under furniture but will be perfectly fine as he is actually quite playful.

His owner then sent photos rather than words.



Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Good news

Romeo and Juliette were adopted over the weekend. It seems that they are settled into a room and hissing at their new owners. And, as predicted, George was adopted too. I imagine that he is sleeping with them and telling them when he wants to eat.

Sue or Slav?

 We have, in the last 5 years taken in almost a 1000 cats and dogs. We are up to 995 with Slav, our latest Good Samaritan rescue today. The woman who brought her in said that we should call her Sue.

Where Simba and Khandi were is another exotic sounding family of 6-12 month olds (closer to 12 months, I'd say): Akela, Rafiki, Diego and Samira. We needed another Diego! They were hiding in their carriers and I can't see 4 cats. Somebody must be being sat on.

Akela, Rafiki, Diego, Samira

And next to Amelia we have Chloe who is pretty but stunned that she is where she is not where she would rather be. . . . at home.


 I put Tommy and Mia into the play place this afternoon mostly so that I could have a good cuddle with Tommy before he and Mia get collected on Sunday. He is a marvellous lap cat. I even managed to trim 6 of his nails. Mia accepts caresses but is not quite up to a lap.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Adoption Tails: Amelia and Maeve/Margie


Amelia with her kittens
 Amelia, adopted April 1, 22
1 day: Spent most of the day underneath an armchair in her room... drank and used the litter tray. Ate at night and explored a little bit.

Amelia = Queenie
1 week: Becoming a bit more inquisitive, has access to two connected rooms so far but not too sure if Amelia (nicknamed Queenie) has ventured out much, LOVES her food and will scoff everything down. (She vomited once from eating too quickly). We suggested that, if it is possible, they can give her three meals a day (same total daily amount). Amelia seems more comfortable with the husband as he works in the same room she stays in but will occasionally hiss at the wife when she cleans the litter box so we suggested that she can just stay in the same room as Amelia without doing anything for Amelia to get used to her presence.
1 month: Amelia is doing well, eats as though every meal will be her last.. and loves exploring at night. She has a nice view from her room and sits up on the windowsill to survey her domain. She is queen of our place we call her Queenie. She will follow us but as yet no physical contact. Her toilet habits are excellent. She is a very tidy cat. I think we love her more than she loves us... but we will give her time. Thanks so much for SAFE’s support.

Amelia's view

PS We still have the other Amelia who had kittens when Queenie Amelia had hers at Safe.

Maeve and Margie Adopted March 26, 22 from foster home. We have their brother, Matteo in SH now.
1 day: Getting used to the place and exploring


1 week: Getting on great, eating well and toileting in their litter trays properly. M&M are lots of fun.


1 month: They are getting on really well... lots of fun.

Maeve and Margie

Friday, May 6, 2022

Ginger Joy

 Well, the nice older man did come to adopt Ruby. She was out waiting for him on Thursday as well as on Wednesday. I hope they will be very happy together.

 Archie has moved into her condo from Boarding. He is still a bit shy.


Whereas George, who is beside Max, is not shy at all. He is a super loving cat so won't last long once his scrotum has shrunk. It must have felt as though he was sitting on a marble today but it didn't seem to worry him. Those long lasting pain killers work really well or the thought of chicken erased any pain.

George, sitting carefully

Ginger, below Casper, has been sent to Incoming for quarantine.

The D kittens may not last the weekend. I figured out who was who: Dabi has the most golden face, Dumpling has straight lines on her forehead and a clouded area in her left eye and Dawn has squiggly lines on her forehead.

At chicken time I got to pat Rosie, Magic's calico who lives with her sister Callie who is white and fluffy and does not want to be touched, thank you! And Jackson has moved downstairs again since I gave him a blanket there to lie on.
Casper is looking a bit more relaxed too. . . . . about time!

But Sydney and Adelaide. . . . not so much.
Adelaide in front, Sydney beyond